
Connection Settings

AMQP_HOST The hostname or IP address of the AMQP server to connect to. Defaults to 'localhost'.
AMQP_PORT The port of the AMQP server to connect to. Defaults to 5672.
AMQP_USERNAME The username to authenticate with. Defaults to 'guest'.
AMQP_PASSWORD The password to authenticate with. Defaults to 'guest'.
AMQP_VIRTUAL_HOST The virtual host to use. Defaults to '/'.
AMQP_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL The heartbeat interval to use for connections. Defaults to 60.
AMQP_CONNECTION_KWARGS Additional arguments to pass to aioamqp.connect(). Defaults to {}.

Consumer Settings

REGISTER_CONSUMER If True, a consumer will be automatically created and assigned to the application. Defaults to False.
AMQP_INBOUND_EXCHANGE The name of the exchange that the consumer should read from. Defaults to '' (the AMQP default exchange).
AMQP_INBOUND_EXCHANGE_DURABLE The durability setting of the exchange that the consumer reads from. Defaults to False.
AMQP_INBOUND_EXCHANGE_TYPE The type of the inbound exchange. Defaults to 'direct'.
AMQP_INBOUND_EXCHANGE_KWARGS Additonal arguments to pass to Defaults to {}.
AMQP_INBOUND_QUEUE The name of the queue that the consumer should read from. Defaults to '' (the AMQP default queue).
AMQP_INBOUND_QUEUE_DURABLE The durability setting of the queue the consumer reads from. Defaults to False.
AMQP_INBOUND_ROUTING_KEY The routing key used to bind the inbound exchange and queue. Defaults to ''.
AMQP_DISPATCH_METHOD Reserved for future use.

Producer Settings

AMQP_OUTBOUND_EXCHANGE The name of the exchange used by the producer to send messages. Defaults to ''.
AMQP_OUTBOUND_EXCHANGE_DURABLE The durability setting of the outbound exchange. Defaults to False.
AMQP_OUTBOUND_EXCHANGE_TYPE The type of the outbound exchange. Defaults to 'direct'.
AMQP_OUTBOUND_EXCHANGE_KWARGS Additonal arguments to pass to Defaults to {}.
AMQP_OUTBOUND_ROUTING_KEY The default routing key used when sending messages to the outbound exchange if the routing_key argument is not provided. Defaults to ''.
AMQP_PREFETCH_LIMIT The maximum number of messages to keep in the internal queue waiting to be processed. If set to 0, the consumer will fetch all available messages from the AMQP queue. Defaults to 0.
AMQP_DELIVERY_MODE The mode used when sending messages. By default, messages are non-persistent. Defaults to henson_amqp.DeliveryMode.NONPERSISTENT